- class LLA(
- self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- latitude: ostk.physics.unit.Angle,
- longitude: ostk.physics.unit.Angle,
- altitude: ostk.physics.unit.Length,
- latitude: ostk.physics.unit.Angle,
Geodetic Latitude - Longitude - Altitude (LLA).
- Reference:
- Reference:
Construct an LLA instance.
- Parameters:
Calculate the azimuth angles between two LLA coordinates.
Calculate the azimuth angles between this LLA coordinate and another LLA coordinate.
Calculate the distance between this LLA coordinate and another LLA coordinate.
Propagate this LLA coordinate in provided direction and distance.
Calculate a point between this LLA coordinate and another LLA coordinate.
Generate LLAs between this LLA coordinate and another LLA coordinate at a given interval.
Construct LLA from Cartesian.
Calculate the distance between two LLA coordinates.
Propagate an LLA coordinate in provided direction and distance.
Get altitude.
Get latitude.
Get longitude.
Calculate a point between two LLA coordinates.
Check if defined.
Generate LLAs between two LLA coordinates at a given interval.
Get LLA on surface (Altitude is 0.0).
Convert to Cartesian.
Convert to string.
Convert to vector.
Undefined LLA.
Construct LLA from vector.
- static azimuth_between(
- lla_1: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- lla_2: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- lla_2: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
Calculate the azimuth angles between two LLA coordinates. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- calculate_azimuth_to(
- self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
Calculate the azimuth angles between this LLA coordinate and another LLA coordinate. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- calculate_distance_to(
- self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
Calculate the distance between this LLA coordinate and another LLA coordinate. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- calculate_forward(
- self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- azimuth: ostk.physics.unit.Angle,
- distance: ostk.physics.unit.Length,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- azimuth: ostk.physics.unit.Angle,
Propagate this LLA coordinate in provided direction and distance. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- calculate_intermediate_to(
- self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- ratio: ostk.core.type.Real,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
Calculate a point between this LLA coordinate and another LLA coordinate. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- calculate_linspace_to(
- self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- number_of_points: int,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
Generate LLAs between this LLA coordinate and another LLA coordinate at a given interval. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- static cartesian(
- cartesian_coordinates: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]],
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
Construct LLA from Cartesian. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- Parameters:
cartesian_coordinates (numpy.ndarray) -- Cartesian coordinates.
ellipsoid_equatorial_radius (Length) -- Equatorial radius of the ellipsoid.
ellipsoid_flattening (float) -- Flattening of the ellipsoid.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- static distance_between(
- lla_1: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- lla_2: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- lla_2: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
Calculate the distance between two LLA coordinates. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- static forward(
- lla: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- azimuth: ostk.physics.unit.Angle,
- distance: ostk.physics.unit.Length,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- azimuth: ostk.physics.unit.Angle,
Propagate an LLA coordinate in provided direction and distance. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- get_altitude( ) ostk.physics.unit.Length ¶
Get altitude.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_latitude(self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA) ostk.physics.unit.Angle ¶
Get latitude.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_longitude( ) ostk.physics.unit.Angle ¶
Get longitude.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- static intermediate_between(
- lla_1: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- lla_2: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- ratio: ostk.core.type.Real,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- lla_2: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
Calculate a point between two LLA coordinates. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
A point between the two LLA coordinates.
- Return type:
- is_defined(self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA) bool ¶
Check if defined.
- Returns:
True if defined.
- Return type:
- static linspace(
- lla_1: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- lla_2: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- number_of_points: int,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- lla_2: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
Generate LLAs between two LLA coordinates at a given interval. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
List of LLA coordinates.
- Return type:
- on_surface( ) ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA ¶
Get LLA on surface (Altitude is 0.0).
- Returns:
LLA on surface.
- Return type:
- to_cartesian(
- self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA,
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_flattening: ostk.core.type.Real = Real.Undefined(),
- ellipsoid_equatorial_radius: ostk.physics.unit.Length = Length.Undefined(),
Convert to Cartesian. If ellipsoid parameters are not provided, values from the global Environment central celestial are used.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Return type:
- to_string(self: ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA) ostk.core.type.String ¶
Convert to string.
- Returns:
String representation.
- Return type:
- to_vector( ) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]] ¶
Convert to vector.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- static undefined() ostk.physics.coordinate.spherical.LLA ¶
Undefined LLA.
- Returns:
Undefined LLA.
- Return type:
- static vector(
- vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]],
Construct LLA from vector.
- Parameters:
vector (numpy.ndarray) -- Vector.
- Returns:
- Return type: