- class CSSISpaceWeather¶
Center for Space Weather and Innovation (CSSI) Space Weather data file.
Consolidated data set which contains solar radiation and geomagnetic indices. Particularly contains the F10.7 solar flux index and Ap/Kp geomagnetic indices, which are commonly used to model atmospheric density.
Access daily prediction at instant.
Access daily prediction interval.
Access last observation Date.
Access last reading before an Instant where a Predicate is true.
Access monthly prediction at instant.
Access monthly prediction interval.
Access observation at instant.
Access observation interval.
Access reading at Instant.
Check if the CSSI Space Weather data is defined.
Load CSSI Space Weather file in csv format.
Load CSSI Space Weather file in legacy .txt format.
Create an undefined CSSI Space Weather object.
- class Reading¶
CSSI Space Weather reading.
- property ap_1¶
Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0000-0300 UT.
- property ap_2¶
Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0300-0600 UT.
- property ap_3¶
Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0600-0900 UT.
- property ap_4¶
Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0900-1200 UT.
- property ap_5¶
Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1200-1500 UT.
- property ap_6¶
Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1500-1800 UT.
- property ap_7¶
Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1800-2100 UT.
- property ap_8¶
Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 2100-0000 UT.
- property ap_avg¶
Arithmetic average of the 8 Ap indices for the day.
- property bsrn¶
Bartels Solar Rotation Number. A sequence of 27-day intervals counted continuously from 1832 Feb 8.
- property c9¶
C9. A conversion of the 0-to-2.5 range of the Cp index to one digit between 0 and 9.
- property cp¶
Cp or Planetary Daily Character Figure. A qualitative estimate of overall level of magnetic activity for the day determined from the sum of the 8 Ap indices. Cp ranges, in steps of one-tenth, from 0 (quiet) to 2.5 (highly disturbed).
- property date¶
UTC day of reading.
- property f107_adj¶
10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7) adjusted to 1 AU.
- property f107_adj_center_81¶
Centered 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (adjusted).
- property f107_adj_last_81¶
Last 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (adjusted).
- property f107_data_type¶
Flux Qualifier. - OBS: Observed flux measurement. - INT: CelesTrak linear interpolation of missing data. - PRD: 45-Day predicted flux. - PRM: Monthly predicted flux.
- property f107_obs¶
Observed 10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7). Measured at Ottawa at 1700 UT daily from 1947 Feb 14 until 1991 May 31 and measured at Penticton at 2000 UT from 1991 Jun 01 on. Expressed in units of 10-22 W/m2/Hz.
- property f107_obs_center_81¶
Centered 81-day arithmetic average of F107 (observed).
- property f107_obs_last_81¶
Last 81-day arithmetic average of F107 (observed).
- property isn¶
International Sunspot Number. Records contain the Zurich number through 1980 Dec 31 and the International Brussels number thereafter.
- property kp_1¶
Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0000-0300 UT.
- property kp_2¶
Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0300-0600 UT.
- property kp_3¶
Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0600-0900 UT.
- property kp_4¶
Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0900-1200 UT.
- property kp_5¶
Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1200-1500 UT.
- property kp_6¶
Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1500-1800 UT.
- property kp_7¶
Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1800-2100 UT.
- property kp_8¶
Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 2100-0000 UT.
- property kp_sum¶
Sum of the 8 Kp indices for the day.
- property nd¶
Number of Day within the Bartels 27-day cycle (01-27).
- access_daily_prediction_at(
- self: ostk.physics.environment.atmospheric.earth.CSSISpaceWeather,
- instant: ostk.physics.time.Instant,
Access daily prediction at instant.
- access_daily_prediction_interval( ) ostk.physics.time.Interval ¶
Access daily prediction interval.
- Returns:
Daily prediction interval.
- Return type:
- access_last_observation_date( ) ostk.physics.time.Date ¶
Access last observation Date. File publication date is the day following the last observation.
- Returns:
Last observation Date.
- Return type:
- access_last_reading_where(self: ostk.physics.environment.atmospheric.earth.CSSISpaceWeather, predicate: Callable[[ostk::physics::environment::atmospheric::earth::CSSISpaceWeather::Reading], bool], instant: ostk.physics.time.Instant) ostk::physics::environment::atmospheric::earth::CSSISpaceWeather::Reading ¶
Access last reading before an Instant where a Predicate is true.
- access_monthly_prediction_at(
- self: ostk.physics.environment.atmospheric.earth.CSSISpaceWeather,
- instant: ostk.physics.time.Instant,
Access monthly prediction at instant.
- access_monthly_prediction_interval( ) ostk.physics.time.Interval ¶
Access monthly prediction interval.
- Returns:
Monthly prediction interval.
- Return type:
- access_observation_at(
- self: ostk.physics.environment.atmospheric.earth.CSSISpaceWeather,
- instant: ostk.physics.time.Instant,
Access observation at instant.
- access_observation_interval( ) ostk.physics.time.Interval ¶
Access observation interval.
- Returns:
Observation interval.
- Return type:
- access_reading_at(
- self: ostk.physics.environment.atmospheric.earth.CSSISpaceWeather,
- instant: ostk.physics.time.Instant,
Access reading at Instant. Look first in observations, then in daily predictions, then monthly predictions.
- is_defined( ) bool ¶
Check if the CSSI Space Weather data is defined.
- Returns:
True if defined.
- Return type:
- static load(
- file: ostk.core.filesystem.File,
Load CSSI Space Weather file in csv format.
- Parameters:
file (File) -- A csv file.
- Returns:
CSSI Space Weather object.
- Return type:
- static load_legacy(
- file: ostk.core.filesystem.File,
Load CSSI Space Weather file in legacy .txt format.
- Parameters:
file (File) -- A txt file.
- Returns:
CSSI Space Weather object.
- Return type:
- static undefined() ostk.physics.environment.atmospheric.earth.CSSISpaceWeather ¶
Create an undefined CSSI Space Weather object.
- Returns:
Undefined CSSI Space Weather object.
- Return type: